2013, Otsaila 4

CEIA joins the European Soft Landing program

Zer da Soft Landing?

Enpresa berritzaileei laguntza eskeintzen dien inkubagailu enpresarialen sare bat da. European BIC Networken kideak diren BIC ezberdinen laguntza eta bermearekin.


Enpresei laguntza eskeintzen zaie hainbat alderdietan: Herrialdearen harrera bat eginez, kultura eta praktika enpresarialean aholkuak emanez, pertsona ezberdinak harremanetan jarriz eta dituzten baliabide ezberdinak eskeiniz.

Club Soft Landing ematen dituen zerbitzuak hiru talde ezberdinetan banatu daitezke:
• Logistika
o Bidaiaren antolaketa
o Ostatu kudeaketa
o Aireportu garraioa
o Ibilgailuen alokatze aholkularitza
o Helbide, telefono zenbaki, fax zenbaki eta emailaren esleipena
o Bulego eta bilera gelen prestakuntza

• Bertako negozie sarbidea
o Merkatu lokalaren estatistika eta informazio hornikuntza
o Bilera eta gertaera ezberdinen antolaketa bezero eta hornitzaileekin harreman sareak sortzeko
o Enpresekin, erakundeekin, ikerketa zentzoekin eta beste erakinde ezberdinekin topaketak
o Ekitaldietan parte hartzeko babesa.

• Babes espezializatua
o Kontu juridikoak
o Jabetza intelektuala
o Zergak eta kontabilitatea


Soft Landing EBN kiden arteko ezagutza eta elkarlanean lan egitean datza,nazioarte mailan BIC ezberdinetan bulegoetara sarbidea eskeini, inkubagailu, ekintzailetasun gune, enpresa azeleratzaile, unibertsitate zientifikoetako parke, etab. eskeiniz. Gainera finantza aholkularitza, aholkularitza legala, kulturala, oinarrizko informazioa eta beste edozein zalantza argitzeko gai izango dira herrialde berriaren ingurua ezagutzeko xedearekin. Guzti hau nazioarte mailako lankidetza sareak sortzeko helburuarekin.

Ekimen honetan parte hartzea nahi izanez gero Arabako Eraberrikuntza-Industrialdearekin harremanetan jarri zaitez bide hauen bitartez: ceia@ceia.es eta telefono zenbakia: 945298282

What is Soft Landing?

The Softlanding Club is a network of business incubation programs that provide assistance to innovative companies under the support of EBN’s BICs.

How does it work?

The Softlanding Club relies on the trust, knowledge and positive collaboration developed among EBN members to, provide privileged access to offices abroad located inside BICs, incubators, entrepreneurship centres, business accelerators, university science parks, provide support by the local team to each visiting company with a dedicated service aimed at advise (also with a calling in expertise) on legal, financial, cultural and practical issues of doing business in the country of reference, enable BICs client companies to collect market intelligence from targeted commercial areas and facilitate international collaborations across the globe.

The services offered by the Club Soft Landing are divided into three groups:

• Logistics
o Itinerary Planning – support on a efficient planning of your trip;
o Accommodation arrangements – identification of the best hotel according to your needs;
o Collection from local airport/train station – provision of transfer services;
o Mobility Planning – support on car rental or other type of transport;
o Virtual office – provision of a dedicated address, telephone and fax number and email address;
o Meeting rooms – availability of rooms for your business meetings.

• Access to local business
o Providing market information and statistics tailored to your business needs;
o Setting set up meetings and networking events with your customers, clients or suppliers;
o Pre arranging meetings with businesses, organisations, research centres and other entities to explore strategic partnership opportunities leading to international business development;
o Facilitating your participation in events.

• Specialised support
o Legal matters,
o IP issues
o Tax and Accountancy
o HR matters.

If you are interested in this initiative, contact CEIA in ceia@ceia.es or phone number +34 945298282